Patta History

Starting during the pandemic, we built a YouTube series to showcase Sri Lanka’s long and colorful history to everyone.

Telling Sri Lanka’s history, one story at a time.

Ethos was possibly the video that got us to really ask ourselves why are we doing what we are doing. We hope that through our shared history, you can gain the wisdom of our forefathers so that we may build a better world for those who are yet to come.

the Great

He’s the greatest, he’s the bravest, he’s everyone’s favourite! The legendary king with the Golden Arms!

Do you like Dinosaurs?

So do we! That’s why we dug into our past, the way way way past! All the way back when dinosaurs roamed the earth!

Patta History started off as a passion project stemming from the need to tell Sri Lankan stories. Our country has such a rich history that has everything from tragedy to romance to comedy and stories that changed the world. Our attempt is also to allow people to find their true identity as Sri Lankans and take pride in being who we are.

To the Channel →

Created by Ruwani Hettiarachchi & Geeshan Bandara

Status: Staged Q4 2023


Paradise Lost